Quilts must be completed, clean, odor-free and undamaged. All items to be judged must contain a quilted element. Tied quilts (other than crazy quilts) will not be judged. Quilts submitted previously for judging in a BVQ show will not be accepted, The Quilt Show Chairs have the right to refuse an entry for cause. The final judged categories will be determined based on the quilts entered for judging. Quilts will be placed in the most homogeneous groupings possible. Please contact Diane Senerth ([email protected]) if you have questions about how to describe your quilt(s) for entry in judging.
Online Registration: Click above on the "Shop" tab. Make your online payment for the number of quilts you are registering. You will receive an email receipt with a link for the registration form(s). Use that link to register each of your quilts separately. You will receive an email confirmation that your quilt registration has been received. *If you are unable to complete your registration online, please contact Diane Senerth at [email protected] to receive hard-copy registration forms and instructions.
A separate entry form is required for each item. Entry form(s) must be received by Wednesday, June15, 2022.
Fees: The appropriate non-refundable fee must accompany each entry form. The fee for each display only item is $10.00. The fee for judged items is $15.00 each. Youth entries and BVQ challenge quilts (display only) are free. Use the Shop tab on the Brandywine Valley Quilters website to pay fees by credit or debit.
Photographs: A digital color photo of your quilt must be uploaded into your registration form. Instructions on uploading photos are on the registration form. The photo must show the entire quilt, not just a portion. Hard-copy entries must be accompanied by a 4’ x 6’ color photo.
Hanging Sleeves: To guarantee that your quilt can be hung, it must have a 4” sleeve firmly basted to the top back of any size quilt. We will be using 2” diameter telescoping pipes to hang all quilts
.Labels: Label/ Identification must be placed on the back of the quilt. On judged pieces, entrant must cover all personal identification (front and/or back). Wearable art labels should be inside the garment.
QR Code: We invite you to participate in our QR code program. Please take some time at drop off to tell us a little bit about your quilt’s story. We will create a video of your story which can be accessed through a QR code at the show. This is a wonderful way to document your quilt’s story.
Quilt for Sale: If you are interested in offering your quilt for sale, indicate that on your entry form along with a price. BVQ will retain 20% of the sale price.
Judging: Judging of entries will take place prior to hanging. Written judges’ evaluations will be emailed to each judged entrant. Ribbons for first, second, third, and honorable mention in each category may be awarded by the judges. Other ribbons may be awarded in specific categories. Ribbons are awarded per quilt, regardless of the number of people involved in competition. Judges reserve the right to not award all ribbons in a category. Each youth participant will receive a participation ribbon.
Quilt Container: Each quilt must be delivered in a cloth bag or pillowcase with the entrant’s name, address, and phone number written in permanent or indelible marker. This information can be written on a cloth label and pinned with a safety pin securely to the cloth bag if you do not want to write on the bag or pillowcase. (No paper labels or straight pins, please). Please make sure the bag is big enough to easily remove and reinsert your quilt.
Quilt Drop Off: Entrants who are local to the area are responsible to personally deliver and retrieve quilts. Quilts must be delivered FULLY COMPLETED between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 19th at the Neumann University Mirenda Center in Aston, PA.. You will receive an emailed receipt for your quilt that you must present at pickup (either on your phone or printed out).
Quilt entries that are mailed should be sent to Gretchen Gobris, 728 Hertford Road, Wilmington, DE 19803. They need to arrive by July 18, 2022. Mailed entries must include a pre-paid pre-addressed label for return shipment or payment of the $30.00 shipping fee must be made on the Shop tab at the www.brandywinevalleyquilters.org website. Mailed entries can be picked up in person provided that you present yourBVQ-issued email receipt.
Quilt Pick Up: Quilts must be picked up on Sunday, July 24th between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM. If quilts are not picked up on Sunday, it is the responsibility of the entrant to make arrangements for the return of the quilt. NO QUILTS WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT A RECEIPT.
Security: Security will be provided in the exhibit area. All quilts will be handled with the utmost care. BVQ cannot be responsible for loss or acts of nature beyond our control. BVQ will not be providing insurance and recommend you contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier to understand what coverage is provided and how to obtain specific coverage.